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Brokerage accounts

Banking is not an issue any more.

Bank accounts are opened, investment’s strategy is defined and implemented, risks are assessed managed and minimized.

Why bother then? Why should one open a brokerage account?

Financial markets are scattered around the world and provide a round the clock opportunity to profit from personal financial expertise, skills, knowledge. Making a right choice on a broker to open an account with is an issue of great importance to become crucial for overall investment success.

Advising our clients on accounts with brokerages we strive to deliver:

        -highly reputable international financial institution, able to provide:

        -excellent execution; at

        -as low commission as possible;

        -enables as private so institutional investors trade in Stocks, Futures, Options, other derivatives as well as CFDs and FX; for both

        -phone and e-trading; utilizing

        -advanced multi asset trading platform;

        -sophisticated in-depth research on financial, currency and stock markets .

Being involved in the business for more then 15 years our advisors managed to establish very close relationships with lots of world’s most famous international brokerages which can provide services to satisfy all the needs of any sophisticated investor.